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Buy your Wasp costume made by Rubies costumes from the Ant-Man movie. Halloween options for adults and kids. Fast shipping, low prices and great selection. Shop our selection of Ant-Man costumes and choose your favorite mens or boys Wasp costume to purchase this October:

Ant-Man Costumes - Adult & Kids Endgame, Wasp, Yellowjacket & Scott Lang Costume for Sale

Leg Avenue Women’s Hornet Honey Halloween Costume


Ant-Man Costumes - Adult & Kids Endgame, Wasp, Yellowjacket & Scott Lang Costume for Sale

Rubie’s Ant-Man Girl’s Deluxe Wasp Costume, Small


About Funtober Costumes

Are you ready for Halloween 2023? Funtober has listed hundreds of costume ideas and thousands of Halloween costumes for sale this year. We have an incredible selection of halloween costumes for women, men, and kids. We help couples find fun and amazing adult costumes, women find the perfect sexy costume, parents find the outfit that will thrill their child as well as the baby costumes that will adorn their first Halloween pictures forever.

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Last Major Update:

Wasp is a character in Ant Man 2, titled Ant-Man and the Wasp. The Ant-Man 2 Movie has Scott Lang team up with Hope van Dyne as the Wasp on a mission for Hank Pym. The movie release is set for July 2018.

Wasp: In the second Ant-Man movie, Hope is bequethed the Wasp costume from her mother and the movie helps to bring to life to fans her powers and her struggles. Ant-Man and the Wasp will be the first time her powers are revealed in the movies. She is also expected to play a role in the untitled 2019 Avengers movie.

Short Descriptions for the Above Products:

Leg Avenue Women’s Hornet Honey Halloween Costume Description:

100 percent nylon

Rubie’s Ant-Man Girl’s Deluxe Wasp Costume, Small Description:

Wasp deluxe padded costume jumpsuit with boot-tops, and mask
Important: costumes are sized differently than apparel, use the rubie’s child size chart, do not choose based on child’s age or clothing size
Officially licensed Marvel: Ant-Man & the Wasp costume, look for authentic logo on packaging

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