Thanos Costumes - Adult & Kids Avengers Infinity War & Endgame Villain Costume Ideas & Accessories for Sale

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Buy an adult or kids Thanos costume for Halloween made by Rubies from the Avengers: Infinity War movie this summer. Low prices, fast shipping and great selection. Shop our Thanos costumes for sale for men and boys to become the enemy from the Marvel film.

Now is the time to portray the Marvel anti-hero or villain Thanos as he attempts to save the universe from overpopulation in the final two Avengers movies of the long running series, Infinity War and Endgame. With years of buildup put into setting up the plot and a worldwide film total of more than $2.7 billion in ticket sales (domestic and foreign), Thanos is a critical character from what is anticipated to be a top movie for costumes during Halloween 2019.


What happens in these movies?

Avengers Infinity War – Thanos manages to collect all of the infinity stones during the movie (or before) and with a snap of his fingers eliminates half of the people in the universe. The movie reveals how Thanos collects each of the stones, and shows how Thanos gets the blue Space Stone, the orange Soul Stone, the green Time Stone and the Yellow Mind Stone. Costume pairings

Avengers Endgame – Thanos has retired while the remaining Avengers travel back in time to attempt to collect the infinity stones from throughout history. During their journey to restore the world, they suffer some tremendous losses before they are ultimately victorious.

Thanos Costume Accessories: You wouldn’t go trying to save the planet without all of the infinity stones, so why would you look to go to the party without everything you need to be transformed into Thanos.

Thanos Mask – Recreate the purple skin of Thanos from Saturn’s moon Titan with this important Halloween costume accessory.

Thanos Helmet – Thanos is initially introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy with armor and a helmet. However, if your goal is to recreate Thanos from the movie Infinity War, you should instead choose the sleeveless breastplate and leave the helmet behind. At Comic-Con in San Diego, the Avengers co-director explained that Thanos is on a spiritual journey in collecting the stones and thus does not rely on the armor of war. It is also unnecessary as he possesses infinity stones.

Infinity Gauntlet – This is the Dwarven-made glove worn by Thanos that he uses to channel the infinity stones. A similar infinity gauntlet is used by Tony Stark (Iron Man) to bring the power of the stones from throughout history to bear to save those who have been destroyed by Thanos. If you are going to play the Infinity War villain, the Infinity Gauntlet is a must have from the list of costume accessories!

Possible Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy Costume Pairings: There are a lot of potential superheroes to pair with a Thanos costume. Here are a few that we think make a lot of sense:

Gamora costume – The relationship between the adopted daughter of Thanos and himself is integral to the Infinity War plot concerning his acquisition of the Soul Stone.

Scarlet Witch costume – She is responsible for temporarily destroying the stone possessed by Vision in a classic scene taking place at the end of Avengers Infinity War.

Captain Marvel costume – If you have seen Endgame, you know why this costume pairing makes so much sense. If you haven’t seen it, stop shopping, run out and start watching it now!

Iron Man costume – Tony Stark’s sacifice during Endgame will never be forgotten by those who hate Thanos.

Ant-man costume – Ant-man is the key to the development of the plot to defeat the plan launched into motion by Thanos.

Doctor Strange costume – The protector of the eye of agamotto, the green Time Stone, engages in an epic battle against Thanos before determining that the only way to win is to hand over the stone.

Vision costume – Vision possesses the yellow Mind Stone, one of two Infinity Stones on Earth and formerly the stone within the sceptor used by Loki to control minds in the Avengers.

Loki costume – Loki is forced to hand over the Tesserect to Thanos at the beginning of Infinity War in exchange for Thor’s life.

Hulk costume – The battle scene at the start of Infinity War between Hulk and Thanos is one of the best.

Whether you are looking for adult or kids costumes for Thanos and the Avengers, Funtober can help you find them for Halloween 2019:

Avengers Costumes - Men, Women, Boys & Girls Endgame Costume Ideas for Sale

Marvel Legends Series Infinity Gauntlet Articulated Electronic Fist


Avengers Costumes - Men, Women, Boys & Girls Endgame Costume Ideas for Sale

Men’s Marvel: Avengers 4 Men’s Deluxe Thanos Costume and Mask Adult Costume (Rubie’s)


Avengers Costumes - Men, Women, Boys & Girls Endgame Costume Ideas for Sale

Marvel Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet Electronic Fist


Avengers Costumes - Men, Women, Boys & Girls Endgame Costume Ideas for Sale

Rubie’s Marvel Avengers: Endgame Child’s Thanos Costume & Mask


Avengers Costumes - Men, Women, Boys & Girls Endgame Costume Ideas for Sale

Party City Avengers: Endgame Thanos Battle Axe, Plastic Prop, Measures 3 3/4 Inches Wide by 38 1/2 Inches Long,


About Funtober Costumes

Are you ready for Halloween 2023? Funtober has listed hundreds of costume ideas and thousands of Halloween costumes for sale this year. We have an incredible selection of halloween costumes for women, men, and kids. We help couples find fun and amazing adult costumes, women find the perfect sexy costume, parents find the outfit that will thrill their child as well as the baby costumes that will adorn their first Halloween pictures forever.

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Last Major Update:

Short Descriptions for the Above Products:

Party City Avengers: Endgame Thanos Battle Axe, Plastic Prop, Measures 3 3/4 Inches Wide by 38 1/2 Inches Long, Description:

No Thanos costume is complete without an Avengers: Endgame Thanos Battle Axe
The plastic prop is designed to look just like the one Thanos wields in Endgame, with double-sided construction to fight off the Marvel Avengers
The plastic prop measures 3 3/4 inches wide by 38 1/2 inches long

Marvel Infinity War Infinity Gauntlet Electronic Fist Description:

Push center button to light up stone.
Push center button to activate sound FX
Fist designed to fit most kid hand sizes

Men’s Marvel: Avengers 4 Men’s Deluxe Thanos Costume and Mask Adult Costume (Rubie’s) Description:

Hand Wash in Cold Water.
Line Dry.
No Bleach.

Rubie’s Marvel Avengers: Endgame Child’s Thanos Costume & Mask Description:

OFFICIALLY LICENSED Marvel Avengers: Endgame costume, look for Marvel and Rubie’s trademark on label and packaging to help assure you’ve received authentic, safety-tested item
LONG SLEEVE jumpsuit with printed gauntlet graphics on left arm and attached fabric shoe-covers on legs; tabard costume top with winged shoulders; half-mask with elastic strap closure
IMPORTANT: Costumes are sized differently than apparel, use the Rubie’s CHILD SIZE CHART IMAGE, recent reviews and Q & A, do not choose based on child’s age or clothing size

Marvel Legends Series Infinity Gauntlet Articulated Electronic Fist Description:

Articulated fingers with fist-lock display mode. Movie-inspired sound effects. Pulsating stone glow light effects.

To purchase one of these products, please click the appropriate image at the top of this page!