Leatherface Costumes

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Find your men’s or women’s Leatherface costume for sale today! Low prices, fast shipping and great selection of adult scary costumes. If you are looking for a Texas Chainsaw Masscre costume for this Halloween, you are in the right place! Start shopping our selection of horror costumes and don’t forget to bring the chainsaw with you to strike fear in the heart of everyone!

About Funtober Costumes

Are you ready for Halloween 2023? Funtober has listed hundreds of costume ideas and thousands of Halloween costumes for sale this year. We have an incredible selection of halloween costumes for women, men, and kids. We help couples find fun and amazing adult costumes, women find the perfect sexy costume, parents find the outfit that will thrill their child as well as the baby costumes that will adorn their first Halloween pictures forever.

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If you're in search of a costume that truly embodies the terrifying spirit of Halloween, look no further than a Leatherface costume from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This horror icon, known for his brutal methods and chilling mask, ensures that you make a haunting impression at any Halloween event. A Leatherface costume is not only an excellent homage to one of the most chilling horror films ever made, but it's also guaranteed to send shivers down the spines of fellow Halloween enthusiasts.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, directed by Tobe Hooper, first debuted in 1974 and quickly established itself as a pillar of the horror genre. The film tells the horrifying tale of a group of friends who fall prey to a family of cannibals while on a trip through Texas. Among the family is Leatherface, a hulking, silent figure who wears a mask of human skin and wields his now-infamous chainsaw. Leatherface's gruesome appearance and savage behavior made him a standout horror villain, and his image has since become synonymous with cinematic terror.

Accessories are vital to creating an authentic Leatherface costume. The most recognizable feature is, of course, the mask. This grisly accessory, reminiscent of a grotesque human face, is essential for capturing Leatherface's unique brand of horror. You'll also want to include a butcher's apron splattered with faux blood for that truly terrifying, straight-from-the-movie look. While carrying a real chainsaw isn't advisable, there are plenty of safe, prop chainsaws available that will complete the ensemble without any risk.

There are several possibilities for group costume ideas involving a Leatherface theme. One possibility is for members of your group to dress as other characters from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, such as the ill-fated travelers or the other equally disturbing members of Leatherface's family. This creates a cohesive group costume that's sure to be a hit at any Halloween gathering. You could also consider having your group dress as a variety of iconic horror movie villains, with Leatherface leading the pack.

When it comes to couples costume ideas, Leatherface offers some frightening possibilities. A partner could opt for a victim look from the film, perhaps even specifically as one of the main characters, like Sally Hardesty. Another possibility would be dressing as another iconic horror movie character. Imagine the formidable pair you'd make as Leatherface and another horror icon like Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers. The eerie combination is sure to turn heads and capture the essence of Halloween.

Overall, opting for a Leatherface costume this Halloween provides an excellent opportunity to embody one of the most terrifying figures in horror movie history. The gruesome details, combined with the chilling backstory, ensure that you'll not only look the part but you'll also be tapping into the fear factor that makes Halloween such a thrilling holiday. With an array of accessories to enhance your costume and a wealth of group and couple ideas to explore, you're set for a truly hair-raising Halloween experience.

Shop Leatherface Costume Accessories

Leatherface costumes are inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror films from the 1970’s.  A group of friends were murdered by a family of cannibals, who then proceed to do some ghastly things with the “meat” from their hunts, including selling it as barbeque to unsuspecting tourists. And that’s not even the most horrifying thing depicted in this epic movie. Leatherface, the primary antagonist, slaughters countless people and then harvests their skin to make the masks for which he gets his moniker. Modeled after infamous serial killer Ed Gein, Leatherface is the type of serial killer who will keep you up nights long after the credits have rolled on this classic film.

Not a costume for everyone but it can be a real scary costume at Halloween. In keeping with the name of the movie, Leatherface prefers to kill his victims with a chainsaw, as you might recall from the legendary meat hook scene, but he doesn’t limit himself. Any tool or trap is fair game, including a sledgehammer and a wide array of traditional butchering implements.

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Rubie’s Costume The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3d Secret Wishes Miss Leatherface Costume Description:

Leatherface reimagined as a sexy villainous. Rubies offers texas chainsaw massacre costumes and accessories to match any budget. The texas chainsaw massacre movies have been an american terror classic for decades – now in 3d.

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