DIY Flapper Outfit Tutorials
Impress your friends by making your own Daisy Buchanan costume for Halloween! Here are two tutorials that can help you.
Users asked ThreadBanger for a costume tutorial on how to make a flapper outfit, so they made one and put it up on YouTube. The tutorial starts off by making a flashy headband from stretch sequin and then proceeds to make their own dress from debutant stretch satin and rayon chainette fringe. There are even instructions on how to measure the outfit so that it fits properly!
The second tutorial we found is from POPSUGAR fashion reporter Allison McNamara. She shows you how to make a flapper outfit from a black dress, 10 feet of fringe, 2 feet of elastic sequin trim and 2 large feathers. You’ll also need scissors, sewing pins and a hot glue gun with glue sticks.
If you prefer to buy your outfit or run out of time and need to buy it, be sure to shop our flapper costumes for Halloween. When you need help with you hair and makeup, we have found tutorials to help you with that as well!