Female Matador Costumes

Step in the ring with a big bull this halloween dressed in a sexy matador costume.  Wave your red cape around and see who comes charging!  In one of these sexy bullfighter costumes, you had better always be vigilant when you are away from your house.

A cultural tradition in Spain, Mexico, and a few other countries, the history of bullfighting dates back to prehistoric times.  Although it is not known exactly how or why bull fighting took hold in Spain, it spread from there to some parts of France, Portugal, and its colonies (like Mexico).  Over time, the act evolved into an art form that concludes with the now famous scene of a matador dueling with a bull using a cape and a sword.

Although the act of bullfighting and the sacrifice of the bull have been subject to some debate with animal rights activists, we don’t think there will be any controversy when you wear one of these bull fighter costumes – everyone will love how great you look in it!

Click on one of the above images for more information about the costume.

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