What Are the Most Famous Oktoberfest Beer Tents In Munich?
If you attend Oktoberfest in Munich then you must plan your days to get into the beer tents of your choice. They open early and sell out fast. Most tents will not serve you beer unless you are seated. The 14 largest tents at Oktoberfest are Shottenhamel, Augustiner-Festhalle, Fischer Vroni, Pchsenbraterei, Kafer Wies’n-Schanke, Hacker, Lowenbrau, Armbrustschitzenzeir, Weinzelt, Winzerer Fahndl, Hippodrom, Braurosl, Schutzen-Festzelt, and Hofbrau. There are also about two dozen smaller beer tents on the festival grounds.

Probably the first tent you will want to visit in Munich is the Hippodrom tent which serves Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu (beer). It has seating inside and out which hold about 4000 people. Most nights during the 16 day event the official Oktoberfest band Münchner Zwietracht plays in this tent. This tent area used to house the horse races which ended more than 40 years ago. See the video below for a look into the fun at the Hippodrom.
The Largest Beer Tents At Oktoberfest
A beer tent like the Schotenhamel hold more than 10,000 people at a time. The origins for Spaten beer date back to 1363. The Winzerer Fähndl tent holds just under 11,000 people. The other super huge tent is the Hofbräu-Festzelt which hold over 10,000 people seated. All of famous big tents are huge and generally feature nightly entertainment (bands). All have lots of singing and dancing.
Special Features of the Beer Tents
Tuesday is generally a family friendly day with the Augustiner-Festhalle appealing with kids activities and low prices. Kids are served a non-alcoholic beer. Want a grilled fish on a stick then check out the Fischer Vroni tent. If you would rather try ox then go to the Ochsenbraterei tent. If you are a foodie then look at the Kafer Wies’n-Schanke with a more upscale fine dining cuisine and no beer benches. While all the tents have bands the only tent with a crossbow competition is the ArmbrustSchutzenzelt.
What Beer is Served At What Beer Tents
Lowenbrau is served at the Lowenbrau and Schutzen-Festzelt tents. Augustiner is served at the Fischer-Vroni and Augustiner-Festhalle tents. Spatenbrau is found in the Hippodrom, Schottenhammel, and Ochsenbraterei tents. Paulaner beers are found in the Armbrustschitzenzelt, Kafer’s Wies’n-Shanke, and the Winzerer Fahndl. Hofbrau is only served in the Hofbrau Festzelt tent.
Who Are The Beer Sponsors For America’s Largest Oktoberfests?
Zinzinnati beer sponsors are Samuel Adams, Hofbrauhaus Newport, Becks, Yuengling, Erdinger Weissbrau, Moerlein Lagers, Magic Hat, and Hudepohl. Participating sponsors include Miller Lite, Great Lakes Brewing, Warsteiner, Budweiser, Bell’s, and Rivertown Brewing.
Oktoberfest USA in La Crosse Wisconsin is sponsored by Bud Light, Coors Light, Pabst, Leinenkugel’s, and KUL Light.
Denver Oktoberfest is sponsored by Coors Light, Samuel Adams, Fagermeilter, and Coors.
Leavenworth Oktoberfest is sponsored by Alpine Brewing, Paulaner, Ayinger, HB Munchen, Weihenstephan,